Mind your mind: Creating your life is in your hands

Let’s play. I know you want to grow your life in new ways, you have visions, ideas, passions, dreams that excite you. You have that one thing you always talk about with your friends or your partner. You have the ‘long term dream’ that you saw someone else with years ago, and decided you want it for yourself.

Maybe you see it in front of you every day-folks who have taken years to cultivate their dream. You want this.

But, you also feel like something may be getting in your way. You are 100% right on this one. But you are also not alone.

Right now, jot it down. What is the FIRST thing that pops into your head when you hear that YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE.

What comes up?

Your answer to this is going to be the KEY of beginning an unpinning and a rewiring of your brain. Let’s start now, shall we?

If you are anything like me, you have a practicality built into your belief set. “I can’t create a magical treehouse way up in their trees- it’s impractical, impossible, my dreams don’t stretch that far”

“I could never move to xyz place, even though I’ve always dreamed about living there. It’s too far, too expensive, too…”

When we do this over and over to ourselves, we are just underlining a rutted path. We continue to cement in these beliefs, over and over again, defining them, making them a part of our daily excuses for why we can’t live into a dream.

What’s your big dream?

I’ll tell you one of mine.

I want to have an ocean house that I can retreat to in a magical place overseas. I want to regularly have access to one of those beaches where there are stairs down into a deep pool of water and gentle waves crashing over the rocks, sea birds overhead, sand and salt and shells and water all around.

This is one of my dreams. I ALLOW myself this. I give myself ALL THE DAMN PERMISSION I need to have this dream.

The other thing I do, is I give myself permission for it to come true.

There is this block that so many people with big dreams have. It’s the block about it actually coming true. If this sounds insane, it is. We are literally insane. But, this is also very normal, AND there is a workaround if you know how to do it right. Stick with me, and you’ll learn this one too.

That first question you answered, in the beginning, is going to give you some keys into the permission piece. It will tell you where you are stuck and potentially, where your bock is.

When you answered that question, you may have unearthed something like this:

  • I could never do that It’s too xyz

  • Who am I to do this

  • Look what happened this other time I tried to do something big

  • My partner/friend/parent would NEVER go for it (if this is your biggie, please star this. This one is a whole other can of worms)

If you had any of these responses or ANY others, then you are 100% normal. These are the responses that you naturally have to a big dream. It’s your mind, your amygdala to be precise, and its job is simply to keep you from doing big scary things. ALL of your big dreams fall into this.

Note: IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE A RESPONSE LIKE THIS, OR SOMETHING SIMILAR, THEN YOUR DREAM IS NOT BIG ENOUGH. It’s a big old red flag that you’re not playing full-on.

What you uncovered is a belief, or, often a set of beliefs. Beliefs get formed early on, often by the time we’re 6 or 7, and then we just play them out over and over again in our relationships and life situations until we die.

Or, we can rewire our brain, construct new beliefs and enter into a new realm of being.

This is neuroplasticity. Anyone can do this. The firs step is to listen to your own mind, acknowledge that your mind is, in fact separate from your SELF and agree to do something about it.

You are 100% worth it.

The great thing, is that once you allow yourself to go this place of picturing your dream, then listening to your mind, you get to be the observer. You don’t have to do anything else yet. Truly. If you want to dig into your beliefs and begin to rewire them, check out this blog post. But for now, you are just learning how to observe.

In partnership, Corrina

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Your thoughts: Mindset and your Biz


Self-judgment and how it's derailing your progress