Coping and Food

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Overcoming stressful times with food is something that is often looked down on. But, I think it’s our bodies way of calling out, taking care of us and making us feel safe and connected in an otherwise fraught world.

Chocolate Cake is the perfect remedy to waiting for a fraught election to conclude. Baking takes precision, patience and accuracy. Baking takes our mind off of the screen and our hearts out of the overwhelming anxiety.

Chocolate cake is for sharing. Big enough to satisfy several family members and friends, it is a welcome break from monotony and stress.

This recipe is absolutely incredible.

When we engage with our senses in a thoughtful way, when we use more than just our eyes, but actually smell, taste and feel, we are present, aware and in the moment.

Enjoy this recipe, today of all days.


Podcast #1 Confidence


Pain at Ovulation?